Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Where I Work

I work at R and E's Pet Store.

These are some photo's from the store's pets

What I'm saving up for

I'm saving up for College, but also a Siberian Husky. I'm gonna get a female and name her Wayne.


How much Fobollars I receive a month

I receive 1666.67$ fobollars.
 But then I have to pay

166.67 for tithe
225.00 for the car
100.00 for car insurance
58.00 for warranty
45.00 for phone
130.00 for gas
120.00 for food
45.00 for internet
20.00 for clothing
20.00 for Christmas
300.00 for college
10.00 for Retirement
128.67 left and then put into savings.